Sunday, August 24, 2008

Van Gough? Monet? Kadinsky?

I think we may have an artist on our hands!!! The other morning Jay was reaching for the highlighters on the table. I got him some paper and handed him one. He colored for a minute then looked up at me; I smiled and told him "Good Job!" he put the highlighter down and clapped for himself. I handed him another color. He colored with it for a minute than looked up at me again. I smiled and told him "Good Job!" and he put the new highlighter down and clapped for himself...again. We continued this same routine through all four highlighters. Man, I love that kid.


The Uzelac's said...

GENIUS!!!! The photo that you took really doesn't do it justice. I think that we've discovered a whole new genre of art...highlighter nevoux. It's truely a masterpiece...and he's truely a gift, not only to our family, but the art world in large.

Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

My little artist! Im glad to hear that he has a great self-esteem and encourages himself! He must have learned that from his mamma!

Jay... color a pic for Atticus so we can put it on our frige!


J.C. & Tiana said...

Ok I figured it out I can now comment on my phone but still can't post. Anyways I love it I hope he starts sending these off to galories in Texas and New York I.e. Georgia's and atticus homes. We miss this little artist

Meg and Brad said...

Have you had it appraised yet? I think you might be able to quit your day job!! And I love that he applauds himself! Hilarious!

Candi said...

I love when they start doing things like that as long as it is not on the wall...hahaha. I feel like we haven't seen you guys forever. Lets do something soon.