Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Look What I Can Do...

Helping out with the laundry!


Look Mom, my shirt's on my head!!

I knew I could get my toes in my mouth!

I wonder if mom would mind if I just had a taste...

So, my sweet little boy is 7 months old now. I can not believe how fast the time has gone by. Everyday he makes me laugh and I swear he gets cuter every second! I am amazed at how much he changes, and learns, and grows each day. He already has two teeth (which we brush daily), does the army crawl and jumps around in his bouncer like an absolute maniac! He is the most adorable thing in the world and I love him more than anything!


Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

He crawls... Thats the kind of news that makes it hard to be away! Record it and put it on the blog so I can see him! I love the he is a wild man in his "johnny-jumper." What a tricky & helpful little guy!

The Uzelac's said...

I love love love baby J. He is so stinking cute! I love the vino pic. genes are so crazy...straight for the wine. I love you to death. give j a kiss for me.